Happening Logo - Christian Ed

“The Spirit of Life: fruits & gifts” – it’s a very pleasant sounding theme, as most anyone loves fruits and gifts! But take a look at the image for our theme, and you’ll see it suggests that the way the Spirit’s gifts and fruits are received is also unpredictable, jumbled, not always so neat and tidy. Part of the adventure of being a community of faith is that such a jumble of gifts and fruits among us can at times be creative but can also feel chaotic, can at times feel like abundance and at other times confusion. Perhaps that’s something of the beauty of life in the Spirit: the Holy Spirit does not bless us with spiritual fruits and gifts so that we can manage God in a predictable way; God’s Spirit lives among us to move us in ways of faithfulness that are both familiar and new, comforting and creative, reliable and surprising.

“The Spirit of Life: fruits & gifts” – it’s your unpredictable invitation to join in this community blessed by the Spirit and to explore God’s gifts and fruits in you.

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