Danielle FloerchingerHello all!

I am Danielle Floerchinger-Herrington, though many friends and family refer to me as “Danie.” My last name is so long due to the fact that I was recently married on July 6th, 2013 and decided to hyphenate my last name. My husband, Alex, and I are both from Iowa and met at Northwestern College in Orange City.  Because he was a year behind me in school, he has some undergraduate studies to complete for his Exercise Science degree and will finish those up at Hope College while I attend Western Seminary.

I was born and raised just outside the town of Treynor in southwest Iowa with my amazing parents and two siblings, an older brother and younger sister. Brought up in an ELCA congregation, my parents allowed us to be free-thinkers, never forcing us to believe certain things about God.

During my first year at Northwestern, I became very conservative theologically. My new Dutch friends who were ingrained with theological viewpoints of “reading the Bible literally” and that most people in the world are going to hell, freaked me out. So I held on for dear life, in fear of my family’s and my own sentence of eternal torment upon death.

That is until I began taking religion courses and started to realize it isn’t so black-and-white. I became more and more interested in the history of Christianity, world religions, and spirituality. My theology shifted over the next three years into a grace-filled view of God in which there was freedom and genuine love, not unmoving or fear-based love.

However, what I believe (or don’t believe) today is still really messy and constantly evolving. So…I am really looking forward to learning and growing alongside you, the people of Hope Church.  Can’t wait to meet you!



Paige ConvisMy dear brothers and sisters,

Grace and Peace to you! It is so good to officially be back at Hope Church! This summer I worked full time as a nanny in Saugatuck. I also kept busy with beach time, reading Henri Nouwen and spending time with my three-year-old nephew. Although summer was a good break, I am filled with joy and excitement at the prospect of the new academic year with all of its joys and even its not-so joys!

For the second year of my internship, I have been asked by the Seminary to pick a focus, something I would like to learn more about and grow in wisdom. I have picked pastoral care. I am looking forward to becoming involved in the life of Hope Church in this way. The Church caring for its members in love and compassion is incredibly important and a part of our calling as baptized members of Christ’s church. Therefore, I am sure this deeper learning to better care for others will be such an integral part of my formation to serve in ministry, and something that will bring me great delight!

I mentioned above that I read Henri Nouwen this summer. From one of his books, Life of the Beloved, (highly recommended) comes this quote, one that is on my mind as I continue to learn how to give of myself to the good work of the Church, “Our humanity comes to its fullest bloom in giving. We become beautiful people when we give whatever we can give: a smile, a handshake, a kiss, an embrace, a word of love, a present, a part of our life…all of our life.”
