Among classes being prepared for autumn are a 5-week course on Understanding Islam, a 2-week course on Creation Care, a 3-week course about a Christian View of Work and Life, and a 2-week discussion about the past, present, and future relationship of our congregation to the Reformed Church in America. Classes meet in Commons I between 9:40 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. each Sunday morning during the school year. They are free and open to all adults. For more information, see the 2015-16 Christian Education brochure.

Several years ago, those planning Adult Education adopted the following mission statement:

The Adult Education group plans and coordinates educational opportunities for adults using as much as possible the talents and resources of the congregation. Such opportunities are intended for spiritual formation through biblical study and critical examination of cultural, social, and moral issues from a Christian perspective.

Memorable classes from last year include Hope College President John Knapp’s presentation about Hope College and discussions of the Room-for-All-produced DVD, “Body and Soul: We Belong,” which focused on inclusion as a theme of our Reformed theology and practices. Organized by Jane Dickie, discussion leaders included Jane Dickie, Lynn and Jeff Japinga, Paul Smith, Dawn Boelkins, and Don Luidens. Other informative Adult Education classes throughout the year were presented by members of Community Ministry, Outreach and Hospitality, Health Ministry, and Reconciliation Ministry.

Adult education also happens in Hope church worship services, book discussion groups, men’s breakfasts, women’s circles, and Caring for Creation activities. Operating under the supervision of the Christian Education ministry, Adult Education planning members are Curtis Gruenler, David Myers, Milt Nieuwsma, Judy Parr (chairperson) Jane Schuyler, Eloise Van Heest, and Gordon Wiersma. If you have an idea for a course you want presented or would like to join the planning group, contact one of these people.

~Judy Parr, Adult Education Task Force chair