Laurie Beyer Braaksma, Church Administrator

There are many people who give their time and talent to Hope Church in various ways. Individuals of all ages volunteer in the Nursery, Church School, Children in Worship, Adult Education, Fish Club, High Hopes, Kids Hope USA, WTS Community Kitchen, Lakeshore Habitat for Humanity, church office assistance (such as assembling this newsletter!), Consistory and ministries work, gardening, fellowship events, and a multitude of other unseen tasks. These volunteers make a huge impact on the entire congregation and greater Holland community. Thank you to all who give so generously of themselves to the life and mission of Hope Church.

This month is a great time to sign up to receive email alerts for the Life of Hope Volunteer Blog. If you have not yet joined this growing rank of connected Hope Church members and friends, you can sign up today. On the homepage, type your email address into the email subscription box on the right side of the page. You will receive an email each time there is a new post so that you can stay connected to opportunities to volunteer both in the community and in the ministry at Hope Church. And don’t forget to use the blog to promote volunteer opportunities. Just contact the church office with the information you would like posted including the email contact for those interested in helping.