Health Ministry Logo with typeYES! DEFINITELY! Because we humans are pathetically under-informed of their importance! They are not just little kidney beans that create pee!

These twins, located on either side of the spine at the lowest level of the rib cage, are each about the size of a small fist. They are insulted to be seen simply as strained little pumps flushing out pollution into a waste ditch!

When being interviewed, one said, “These bodies we inhabit would be all screwed up and sick 24/7 without us!” The other declared, “We’re not sewer workers, we’re health officers!”

That’s because each kidney is made up of about a million units- like a million little guys sifting and sorting everything carried in the blood and putting it in different tubes. They work 24 hr. shifts, no breaks.

How much do they process? Up to 200 quarts of blood every 24 hours. And get this: they rip out all manner of rotten stuff, from toxins to drugs, and deposit them in 2 quarts of fluid which flow down into the bladder. Gone! Well, they reside there for 1 to 8 hours- if you can wait that long.

How about the other 198 quarts? Ah, that’s the grand, significant and untold story! The twins filter all the blood cells and large molecules, mostly proteins, and sends all their minerals through the tubule (wouldn’t that be an honorable name for a newborn?) back into the bloodstream- refreshed and loaded! That’s work!

So, what? They become powerful chemical factories! 1- They produce an active form of vitamin for strong healthy bones- or they’d turn to mush! (Then try walking!) 2- They control the production of red blood cells: too many? too few? Big trouble!

Also, they measure and balance the “pH” in your blood! (Means “power of Hydrogen”) Which means it measures the acidity and alkalinity- which could “stone” your system!

Also, they keep the level of electrolytes, such as sodium, potassium, phosphate, in stable condition. You want unstable? Then, please note, they release hormones that regulate our all-important blood pressure!

And they do all this so quietly (you hear no flushing sounds!), so steadily and constantly (they don’t wake you up), and so magically (without even using a computer!).

But we cooperate with the Creator by steadily seeking to be healthy. One doctor wrote: “Healthy kidneys like healthy bodies.”

And it would not be corny or sacrilegious to sing: “Praise God from whom all kidneys flow!”

~Earl Laman, Health Ministry member