10814.circles-logoNeighborhood Connections is starting a new initiative called Circles in the central City of Holland. Circles is a national initiative that helps low-income families move from financial stability – where they are just getting by week to week – to financial mobility – where they are able to rise above poverty. Shannon MacKay, one of our first Community Connectors for Washington School Neighbors, is one of nine Circle Leaders that need supportive Allies to help them achieve their goals.

We are looking for individuals who are willing to build intentional friendships with families trying to make their dreams a reality. Are you willing to get involved with Neighborhood Connections and help build a stronger community? Circle Ally training begins on Nov. 12 & Nov.16, and Circle Leaders are waiting to see who will become their Allies.

Please contact Circles Coach Stephanie Soderstrom as soon as possible for more information. You can call Stephanie at 616.392.7159 or email her at SSoderstrom@goodsamministries.com.