2016 02 Shrove Tuesday Mardi Gras (31)Did you know that the Christian Education Ministry has been alive and well with family events in addition to weekly Church School and Children In Worship? We have enjoyed several family events in the last few months. Our Family Time Together group (FTT) has hosted family gatherings that have brought many together.

In early February, Shrove Tuesday was attended by nearly 75 people! We enjoyed delicious pancakes (adorned with whip cream and sprinkles) as well as fun games. As this celebration falls on the Eve of Ash Wednesday, we shared events that we looked forward to as we looked ahead to the Season of Lent and beyond. A good time was had by all! What a wonderful way to get to know new families and their children. We give special thanks to Jocelyn Van Heest for all of her planning for this special event.

In early March, we also enjoyed a Game Night at church. Several families attended to play their favorite board and card games together on a Friday evening. It was a great night of kicking back to play games like Life, Twister, and Monopoly. We enjoyed a simple dinner together as well.

These events are a nice opportunity for our families to come together and share our time. We look forward to more events in the seasons to come and encourage people of all ages to come and enjoy and get to know the young members of Hope Church.

~Megan Marthens, Christian Education Ministry co-chair