Circles logoCircles is an initiative of Neighborhood Connections, and has already begun in the Westcore and Washington School Neighborhoods. Circles USA is an evidence based program nationally recognized as best practice to improve household economic security. Circles is an 18 month program designed to help families transition out of poverty and for initiating systemic changes in the community that result in eliminating barriers to economic stability.

The core of Circles consists of two or more volunteers from different economic backgrounds called, Allies, who are matched with a family who is ready to move out of poverty. The participating families are known as Circle Leaders and are expected to set goals and take the action steps needed for them to become economically mobile while helping community leaders learn how to help others out of poverty.  Improved household economic security is measured in four areas:

  • An increase in household income
  • A reduction of public benefits/assistance
  • An increase in household assets
  • A reduction of household debt

To find out how you can be involved in this exciting new community effort, contact Stephanie Soderstrom at or call the Good Sam office at 616.392.7159