Dear Hope Church Members and Friends,

The Capital Campaign Exploratory Committee (CCX) has completed its work on a Design Brief for facilities renovations, and Consistory has recommended it to the congregation for consideration. You can read the Design Brief by clicking here, or get a print copy from the church office.

The work on the Design Brief was responsive to the feedback earlier this year from the congregation about the original Master Plan and to the direction from the Consistory to revise the original capital campaign proposal. This Design Brief outlines the priorities to guide development for a revised plan for facility renovation. The Consistory has approved using the Design Brief to develop a new scope of work for the facilities renovation, with a budget of $10,000 to develop this revised plan.

There will be a special Congregational Meeting on Sunday, June 29, at 11:30am following Pizza Sunday to discuss the Design Brief (please note – the church calendar in the most recent HCNews lists the meeting date as June 22, but the date has been changed to June 29). At the June 29 meeting, the Design Brief will be summarized and the process and costs for developing a new scope of work for facility renovation will be explained.

Following the June 29 meeting, the timeline will then be for CCX to work with Elevate Studio to develop this new scope of work, with the intention to present the new scope of work for facility renovation to the congregation at an August 24 Congregational Meeting.  At the August 24 meeting, there will be a vote on whether to proceed with a capital campaign based on the new scope of work presented.

We are grateful for the excellent work of the CCX group and eager to hear your feedback on the Design Brief.