You are invited to join our social activism email network! Several members of Hope Church expressed an interest in creating an opt-in email network dedicated to sharing social justice, community non-profit and political advocacy opportunities as they become available. We are calling this email network: “Faith in Action”. Some examples would be information regarding: “A Day Without Women” rally, Habitat for Humanity events, petitions to Congress on social policy, or a Center for Women in Transition need/fundraiser. The administrator for the group, Lori Van Doornik, a Hope Church member, will receive emails from individual members of this network detailing a particular opportunity and she will then pass the information on to the entire group.

Once you opt-in to the group, emails will be sent to you, but you will not see the other members in the group. The group administrator will receive content from members of the group, and will also add and delete emails as requested. You are welcome to share this idea beyond Hope Church and to submit emails to add to the list. We are now ready to invite anyone interested to become part of this network. Your name and email information will remain private.

If you would like your email address added, please send your information (name and email) to Lori Van Doornik at