Health Ministry Logo with typeBRINGING YOUR LIFE BACK TO BALANCE
Sabbath is drawing away one day a week from anything related to productivity- from work, roles, from labor. The Hebrew meaning of the word Sabbath (Shabbat) is “cessation of work” or “ rest”. One day a week set aside your work, errands, chores, volunteering and JUST REST, PLAY and BE! This can be any day of the week, half day or whatever works for yourself and family.

God gave us a wonderful example in Genesis. He had a WOW day- the seventh day of creation he just sat back, marveled and rested from all His work (Genesis 2:2-3). It is one of God’s special commandments (Exodus 20:8-11). Jesus pulled away from crowds many times throughout his ministry with days to rest (Mark 6:31). He encouraged his followers to do the same.

Spiritually, there is a deeper awareness of God’s love, the blessings He gives us and the Joy and Peace we gain from allowing ourselves to focus on the important things.

Psychologically, we are able to declutter and gain mental clearing. We can then re-evaluate our priorities and just listen to guidance from God.Our minds become more clear-more productive and creative.

Emotionally, we can diminish the depression and anxieties of life that we struggle with daily. We cultivate and strengthen our relationships and work from a more peaceful place. Our joy for life is nourished. Our life is brought into balance.

Physically, we can identify stressors that affect us: tension, back pain, elevated blood pressure, headaches, joint pains and address solutions for improved health.

Ask yourself and family these questions:
How long will the Sabbath be? When will it begin? How will we start the Sabbath- a time of silence, prayer, a song? Will it be the same day every week? Will we do individual times, family times or a combination? Will there be prayers or devotions or other traditions?

Whatever your personal Sabbath plans are you will reap the benefits of God’s mercy, grace and renewal! Begin your plans today for a fuller journey to health!

~Ginger Clark, Parish Nurse, R.N.

RESOURCES: Foundations of Faith Community Nursing and Church Health Reader Fall 2013