At the end of each Kids Hope mentoring year, we ask the teachers of each of our Kids Hope students to evaluate our program. We thought you’d enjoy knowing that when we collected evaluation forms this past May, every teacher reported that Kids Hope is of benefit to the students in their classroom who are fortunate enough to be able to participate.

These are some of the comments teachers made about the mentor/student relationships they had a chance to observe. Please note that M= the mentor and S= the student.

“M” has been a wonderful mentor for “S”. She just knows exactly what he needs!

“S” struggles academically and needs much emotional support. “S” loved being with “M”.

“The biggest area of progress for “S” was in reading fluency. “S” loved his mentor.

“Gaining self-­confidence was the biggest area of progress for “S”. “S” loved being part of Kids Hope.

“S’s focus and self­-control has improved greatly. Loved the support! Thanks!”

“S” really enjoys his “M” and just having someone else to motivate and encourage “S” is helpful.”

“S” made progress in academics and behavior this year. Kids Hope was VERY beneficial to this “S”.

This is just a taste of what mentoring can do to help a child succeed. We hope you find it as inspirational as we do. Vanderbilt Teachers let us know each year that they would love to be able to provide Kids Hope mentors to even more of their students. We would love to do that too, but without your help we cannot.

Please consider becoming an active part of our Kids Hope team this coming year. We will be doing our formal recruiting in early September with mentoring scheduled to begin in early October, but we would be happy to talk with you about this possibility at any time. For further information, please call Barb Joldersma (399-­7319) or Vicki Rumpsa (298­8880).

~Barbara Joldersma and Vicki Rumpsa, Kids Hope USA Co-Directors