Hope2SLast September, we announced a new partnership with Third Reformed Church and in the months since then, we have occasionally been asked, “How’s it going?” That being the case, we thought it was time to give all of you a report.

Beginning with the recruitment process, we have been working with Third Church Director Beverley Rannow to coordinate the work we do at Vanderbilt. Together we worked through the referrals which the teachers provided and assigned students to available mentors from both churches. At the present time, we have 13 mentors from each church working in the building, each of whom is supported by prayer partners, substitute mentors and the directors from their own church.

Thanks to Beverley’s skills as a trained librarian, the books, games, art supplies and other materials we keep at Vanderbilt have been expanded and organized in a manner that makes it easier for mentors and substitute mentors to use them. Beverley has also created a bulletin board located in a prominent place in the school with pictures of each mentor with their student as well as the three directors. You can imagine how much the students love seeing themselves as they pass that spot several times a day.

In January, we hosted a joint Kids Hope Appreciation Dinner and Workshop at our church. Thirty-five were in attendance with approximately equal numbers from each church. Those who were there have spoken enthusiastically about the experience of interacting with their counterparts from a partner church while sharing a meal together.

Together, we look forward to our next joint gathering, the end of the year party where in the presence of students and their families as well as Vanderbilt teachers and staff, we will celebrate the special attributes and characteristics of each student. Third Reformed will be hosting that event this year.

We are grateful for the growth we have experienced during this first year of partnership and look forward to many more years of working with the members of Third Reformed to offer the hope of a better future to the at-risk children of Vanderbilt.

~Anne Duinkerken and Barbara Joldersma, Kids Hope USA Co-Directors