On April 27, as we celebrated the end of our 13th year of mentoring at Vanderbilt Charter Academy, our new partnership with Third Reformed Church, and the gifts of each of our students, we also expressed our appreciation and thanks for the many years of service Co-Director Anne Duinkerken has given to Hope Church Kids Hope. Anne was there at the beginning and has remained actively involved in this ministry throughout its 13 years of existence.

Last spring when her last KH child “graduated” from our program, Anne decided to continue as co-director and rather than take on a new student, become a substitute mentor. However as the year progressed and her work at Benjamin’s Hope and number of grandchildren increased (she’s up to six!), Anne began to feel that it was time to end her leadership role in this ministry.

As her partner for these last 5 years, I can only say that I will miss her many, many contributions to our work together. As Anne has often said, this program is “dear to her heart” and as a result she has put her whole heart and soul into it throughout the time she has been involved.

As a team Anne and her Prayer Partner Eloise Van Heest changed the lives of Lizette, Ines, Michael, Aaliyah and Angelica. She also made a difference in the lives of many more Kids Hope students as she assumed a leadership role and became a partner in the training and support of mentors which is so vital to the health of this program.

Through her efforts, we have all been blessed and so it is with a great deal of gratitude that we thank Anne for all that she has meant in the lives of the students and staff at Vanderbilt, the Hope Church Kids Hope volunteers and the congregation as a whole. Anne has truly been, as Kids Hope founder Vernon Gulker used to say, “Jesus with skin on” sharing His love with all of us.

eIMG_2448Prayer Partner Eloise Van Heest and Mentor Anne Duinkerken celebrate their last Kids Hope student’s “graduation” at the 2015 End-of-Year Party.

~Barbara Joldersma, Kids Hope USA Co-Director