eimg_4391As this issue of the newsletter goes to press, the Living Hope Design Team awaits bids and proposals from all of the skilled trades and suppliers who will help to make our plans a reality. We completed the Construction Document phase in mid-March; Elzinga & Volkers used those very detailed plans to communicate our intentions in bid packets. In early April, we expect to receive the final estimate of cost based on those bids.

Plans that have been hypothetical for some time will become very real. Beginning in April, Elzinga & Volkers will provide biweekly newsletters to keep us all informed of progress and the project horizon. Look for those newsletters online and, if you prefer paper, at the Welcome Center. We’ll have some adapting to do along the way, but a lot of planning has gone into minimizing disruption.

There will also be opportunities for Hope Church members and friends to provide volunteer hours to help us to manage and even reduce costs. If you haven’t already put your name on the volunteer list, contact the office or use the online form available at LivingHopeRCA.wordpress.com.

If you’re part of a group that would like to volunteer together or plan a service event, let us know that, too!

Many hands = light work. In building renovation as in the rest of life.

~Lois Maassen, Project Team Leader