Looking for Fresh Ideas and Younger Members

Adult Education is a Task Force of the Christian Education Ministry. Most people think of adult education as what adults who are not in choir practice and are not brunching at a restaurant do at Hope Church between 9:40 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. each Sunday morning during the school year. Usually Adult Education classes meet in Commons I, but often an additional class meets in Room 106. Classes are publicized in Hope Church News and in Sunday bulletins.

But adult education also happens in book discussion groups, men’s breakfasts, women’s circles and Caring for Creation activities. This year’s Lent series “From Darkness to (In)Sight” can also fit under the adult education umbrella. And so can the learning and spiritual formation that occur during our worship services.

Several years ago, those planning Adult Education adopted the following mission statement:
The Adult Education group plans and coordinates educational opportunities for adults using as much as possible the talents and resources of the congregation. Such opportunities are intended for spiritual formation through biblical study and critical examination of cultural, social, and moral issues from a Christian perspective.

Memorable classes from the recent past include a panel of long-time members sharing their memories of what Hope Church Sunday School and church were like decades ago, the Health Ministries series on “Living Well and Dying Well,” Jim Brownson’s series about the book he was about to publish, Bible, Gender, Sexuality: Reframing the Church’s Debate on Same-Sex Relationships, and the General Synod Review panels.

Members of the Adult Education ministry are co-chairs Keith Derrick and Judy Parr, Ed Anderson, Milt Nieuwsma, Jane Schuyler, Eloise Van Heest, and Gordon Wiersma. Until last month, pastor emeritus Marlin Vander Wilt was also active in this ministry. Adult Education is looking for at least two or three more people to join us. We are especially interested in adding the perspective of young adults to our group.

We welcome your ideas and energy. Our next meeting is Wednesday, April 30, at 5:00 p.m. in the church library. Let Judy Parr or Keith Derrick know if you think this might be a form of ministry that you might want to join.