If you have ever attended the Kick-Off Picnic in the fall, a craft night during Advent, a simple supper in Lent or a Pizza Sunday you have experienced the Fellowship Ministry at work. The goal of this ministry is to provide opportunities for fun and fellowship among the members and friends of Hope Church. Many intergenerational activities are sponsored throughout the year and often a meal or snack is provided.

Some of the events that the Fellowship Ministry sponsors have become treasured traditions in our spiritual lives such as the Maundy Thursday Seder. Some activities are just plain fun, for example the coed softball team and weekly volleyball. Some of the events combine fun and spiritual aspects such as Lenten evenings and the bi-yearly weekend family camp outing at CranHill Ranch. This is a long standing tradition which continues to be a treasured time away for our members to interact in a much more casual setting, sharing potluck meals, campfires and concluding with a worship service on Sunday.

The ministry welcomes input and suggestions of new activities or ideas of how to enhance fellowship experiences at Hope Church. New members of this ministry are needed! Anyone interested in joining this ministry or volunteering to help with a specific event i.e. Congregational Meeting Dinner, Easter Brunch or hosting Pizza Sunday, please contact one of the members of the ministry: Kristine Bradfield, Marilee Nieuwsma, Terry Pott, Joyce Teusink, Sally Winchester, Kris Witkowski.

~Marilee Nieuwsma, Fellowship Ministry Chair