Health Ministry Logo with typeWe are a team of people of faith who are working together to help create a healthier community at Hope Church. Our mission is to promote the physical, mental, social and spiritual aspects of living to reach wholeness in health. We collaborate with a shared vision to provide ways to enhance and grow the health of our parishioners. Living healthy lives doesn’t mean just seeing your doctor regularly. Rather, your faith life, movement, medical health, work, emotions, nutrition and family and friends contribute to a life filled with love, joy and most important, a stronger connection with God.

Faith life– building a relationship with God, your neighbor and self; Emotional- managing stress and understanding your feelings to better care for yourself; Work- appreciating your skills, talents and gifts; Medical- partnering with your health professional to manage your health; Movement- discovering ways to enjoy physical activity; Nutrition- making smart food choices and developing healthy eating habits and Friends and Family- giving and receiving support through relationships.

Our agenda is as follows:
Sponsor and support the Healing Prayer Service, a yearly Adult Education Series, Monthly news articles, bulletin board and updated health information, loaner medical equipment, fitness education and programs, blood pressure clinics, blood drive updates and assistance, caregiver support group, first aid/AED supplies and education, assist and encourage the Parish Nurse duties, community resource input and the knitting ministry for prayer shawls and baptism blankets.

We collaborate with the pastors, congregational care, and disability networking group and local care facilities and special interest groups.

MEMBERS are: Jackie Knoll, Ann Anderson, Lori Van Doornik, Eloise Van Heest, Maxine Debruyn, and Earl Laman. STAFF SUPPORT are: Pastor Jill Russell and Parish Nurse Ginger Clark RN.

New members are always welcome. Come join this wonderful focus group who share the same vision with trust, respect and energy to meet the goals of our mission!

(resources: and Foundations of Faith Community Nursing )