The Consistory met on November 11. Among other items of business, the following topics of conversation were significant to share with the congregation:

  • Consistory continued the conversation begun in October about how Hope Church addresses questions of social justice and public policy in light of our faith and divergent political opinions. A half page summary of this discussion will be created to share with future consistories.
  • The Executive Committee reported on the state of the 10th Street house after a pipe burst creating extensive water damage. The cost of repairing the damage was too prohibitive. The consistory voted to demolish the 10th Street house. The current tenants of the 10th Street House were moved to new housing immediately after the pipe burst, and our mentoring team is continuing to support these tenants during this time of transition. The Community ministry is evaluating how Hope Church will continue to be engaged with the Community Action Housing Partnership and with issues of affordable housing in our community.