The Consistory met on October 14th first as a full consistory and then broke into Elder and Deacon Board meetings. The following items of business came before the consistory.

  • The consistory discussed a concern that was raised about how Hope Church engages in political issues such as the recent letter regarding immigration reform. The consistory began a conversation about issues of faith and politics, how to deepen our practices of hospitality, and how we can continue to speak to issues of justice and reconciliation despite political differences. A paper entitled, “Talking Together as Christians about Tough Social Issues” was distributed as a resource for this conversation which will continue at the November consistory meeting.
  • The consistory approved the budget draft presented by Stewardship and Finance ministry to be distributed to the congregation at the end of October.
  • The consistory approved the recommendation of the Personnel committee to provide insurance for our pastors for 2014 through the newly formed Reformed Benefits Association which is a combined effort of the RCA and CRC.