HCN060715 draft.pdf - Adobe Acrobat ProWith the hindsight and the insight of two years as a prayer partner with Barbara Schmitt and Isaih, a fifth-grader next year, I have discovered that “Prayers and Partnership” to be the better wording arrangement for understanding my role.

We who serve Kids Hope USA do so “for the love of children.” Thus at the heart of our partnership is the hope to build relationship, to encourage growth, to acknowledge accomplishment, to strengthen confidence, to share stories, to discover the “I can . . .’, to bask in the joy of partnership. All of these hopes are lifted to God in prayer and trust, thanksgiving and faithfulness.

Barb and I have consistent, weekly communication with honest assessments. We are helpmates through sharing and active listening which is the guiding beacon toward praying, responding, and relating. Barbara’s devoted attention and weekly updates, the special book Isaih and I share, and Isaih’s trust in our commitment, brings each of us together in partnership.

The ‘special book’ is one Isaih chose to do, beginning in third grade. He and I write notes, share poetry, draw pictures, send holiday wishes and create games in our book. Barbara is the conduit between us. There are no time parameters, only the promise of honest, genuine sharing. It is a book Isaih cherishes. It is a book that records his growth and insight. He will be given this book when he graduates from Kids Hope next year.

Not only being a partner but also being a substitute mentor when Barbara is unable to meet with Isaih has truly strengthened our threesome relationship. The journey together has been very prayerful, surprising, challenging, and deeply memorable. We three look forward to our third year together!

~Carole Hintz, Kids Hope USA prayer partner