diners clubDiners Club

A new sign-up is occurring for participation in Diners Club! For those of you who are unfamiliar with Diners Club, it is a casual way to get acquainted with members and friends of Hope Church, whether you are new or have been attending for a long time. Groups of eight meet for a social meal in someone’s home. Fellowship and friendship spontaneously occur when sharing food and conversation around the dinner table. There will be three dinners this year:

October 18 or 19, 2013
January 17 or 18, 2014
April 25 or 26, 2014

From the sign-up sheets, groups are randomly formed with hosts (or co-hosts) listed at the top of each group. The host is responsible for selecting the time and the menu; contacting group members and assigning parts of the meal; and finding replacements for any guests who are not available that evening. Change of the date to another weekend can be done if the majority of the group members have conflicts. A sample Diners Club get-together would be – – dinner at the Jones’ at 7 p.m. with Mary and John Jones preparing lasagna; Joe Jackson will be bringing an appetizer; David and Jane Doe will be bringing salad; Julie Johnson will be bringing bread; and Don and Susie Smith will provide dessert.

There is a sign-up sheet in the Gathering Area. Sign up deadline is September 30.