What if we carried this sense of inner vision and hope with us every day? What would it be like to cultivate a creative community of encouragement, learning and play? Have you ever considered how important your own creativity is in sharing God’s way in the world? The ability to create is a gift God gives to every living person. It’s essential to flourishing in countless careers from teaching to marketing, from computer programming to parenting. Likewise, each season of life invites us into further growth and spiritual cultivation whether we’re discerning our vocation, raising children or identifying places to bless the next generation. We know that God’s creative Spirit is alive and at work in all of us, and we’re excited to share a well-known, time-tested process that provides pathways of practice for those who would cultivate an openness to the movement of that Spirit in their lives.
Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity Discovering and Recovering Your Creative Self has been in circulation since 1992, offering individuals and groups a 12 week journey in reawakening a sense of possibility, abundance, connection and trust. We invite you to come and explore this practical resource for nurturing greater creativity and wholeness. It’s not for those who identify themselves as “artists,” but for anyone who desires a nourishing process that can deepen one’s relationship with God, others and themselves. If you would like to participate, please sign up in the Gathering Area by June 3. The group will meet for twelve weeks from June 11 ”“ August 27 on Monday afternoons from 1:00-3:00 PM at Hope Church. Class size will be limited to nine. A second class may be formed to meet on Sunday afternoons if there is a high level of interest. Rachelle Oppenhuizen, Randy Smit, and Sharon Arendshorst will serve as facilitators. This opportunity is sponsored by the Worship, Prayer and Spirituality Ministry.