Different periods of life lend themselves to different metaphors. A mentor of mine described his twenties as a vast plain of possibility, where he felt raw to the world. This image balances what many consider to be an exciting time–the possibilities of new adulthood–with the reminder that open possibility can be painful and lonely. Often at this age, people find themselves at the crossroads of important decisions. At Hope Church, the Young Adult Ministry exists to provide an honest space of deep engagement with one another and offer provisions for this both wonderful and painful time of life, from age 18-30.

In the last couple years, this ministry has gone through some changes. Two years ago we introduced “The Road Less Traveled” series–life stories from members of our congregation and community around a shared meal-which sought to reach out to Hope College students.  In the next year, we decided that we would spend less time promoting it at Hope College and focus on members of our congregation in this age demographic. We had several gatherings throughout the course of the year that kept the life-story theme, but moved into the sanctuary for worship.

The Road Less Traveled has been rich and good, and we hope to continue it in some way for this coming year, but many members of the task force are also transitioning. We are grateful for the energy and input of Jane Dickie, Wendy Rebhan, Gretchen Schoon- Tanis, Bob Jerow, Reed Jerow, Paige Convis, and Jill Russell to this task force. Some will continue on, some will step back.

As a task force, we are now open to the plain of possibility–and I look forward to what it might bring. If, as you read this, you are mysteriously nudged or drawn toward the college

Andrew Spidahl
Pastoral Resident