For the past decade there has been a brief, beautiful, meditative worship service held at 8:00am on Wednesday mornings in the Hope Church sanctuary from September thru May. The service is open to all but has mostly been attended by a small core group joined by occasional others. So usually it has been a group of around 8-12 people who gather in the chancel for a worship time incorporating reading of the weekly lectionary passages, singing of Taize-style songs, and sharing of communion, with the service concluding by 8:30am.

This past Fall there was a pause in that pattern as the service was not held for the Fall season, and in consultation with the Elders and Worship, Prayer & Spirituality Ministry the decision has been made not to resume the service for this Winter/Spring. This Spring the WPS Ministry will discuss whether and how to reconsider this service for next Fall. If you have any input to offer we would appreciate you sharing that with us. Please contact either of the pastors or the Chair of WPS, Cindi Veldheer-DeYoung with your input.