On October 21, a presentation was given by Karen and Larry Mulder entitled, “What We Learned about Care Giving in the House of the Dying.” Karen and Larry reflected on what they learned in the House of the Dying during their time spent in Haiti. From this humbling and sacred experience they learned (or relearned) some powerful and simple truths about caring for those who are suffering. The ideas below came out of some sharing during the presentation. Full copies of these handouts are available in the church office.

When Caring for a Person in a Nursing Home: (click to download full handout)

  • Remember that the person living in a nursing home is first of all a real person. Treat the person the way you would like to be treated.
  • Do not “talk down” to older people or treat them like children. Show respect for each person. They may need extra help, but that does not mean that they are mentally slow.  They are a person with opinions, likes and dislikes.
  • Individuals look forward to mail delivery time—send a card or note often.

When Caring for the Very Ill and Dying: (click to download full handout)

  • Don’t feel you must talk.  A really ill person may not be able or willing to talk, but he or she will still take comfort in just knowing you are there.
  • Keep in touch through regular emails, texting,or CarePages website postings. Say something.  Say anything. Let him or her know they are not alone.
  • Ask if the person would like you to say a prayer for them. Also inquire if they would like to pray.