Hope Church is partnering with Rode Molla and her husband Endrias Assen in support of their ongoing ministry. In 2014, Rode answered a call from God to begin a ministry of holistic care for children and families in Ethiopia. Her quest led them to Western Seminary, and while studying there, they found a home at Hope Church. Currently, Rode is in Denver, CO at Illif School of Theology working on a PhD. Rode wants to equip the church in Ethiopia to address educational, medical and social challenges for children, and her doctoral work will equip her to carry through with this focus long term. This Christmas offering is a way for Hope Church to partner with Rode and Endrias (who is a Lutheran pastor) in shaping the impact of the church in Ethiopia now and for generations to come, and it is our plan to continue an ongoing relationship of prayerful support with them. Watch for more information and please join in this offering of support for their ministry.

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