Sundays, 9:40-10:40 am

April 2 and 9: Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Pacifist, and Nazi Resistor
Looking back at World War II, many people wonder how the country that had produced Martin Luther, Johann Sebastian Bach, and Immanuel Kant embraced the National Socialism of Adolf Hitler and was responsible for the Holocaust. We’ll view Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Pacifist, Nazi Resistor, a Journey Films 2003 documentary produced from archival footage, photographs, and interviews of those who knew Bonhoeffer best. We’ll learn about and discuss the complicity of German churches and universities in allowing the Holocaust. Young people and adults are encouraged to attend these classes.
April 2: We’ll view and discuss the first 45 minutes of the film.
April 9: We’ll view and discuss the last 45 minutes of the film.

April 16: Easter Sunday – No class

April 23: Blessing of the Animals, a worship service for all ages led by Rev. David Blauw

April 30, May 7 and May 14: Some Fascinating Women of the Old Testament
Lynn Japinga’s most recent book, Preaching the Women of the Old Testament: Who They Were and Why They Matter, was published in February by Westminster John Knox Press. Of the forty women covered in the book, Lynn will select several to discuss with us. The book will be available for purchase beginning April 2.

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