HCR-1701_OpenHouse_DateSaver_FINALAll are invited to a Celebration of A Living Hope on Saturday, April 29 to celebrate the completion of our facility renovation! A dedication service will take place at 2 PM, and an open house will take place from 2:30 – 4:30 PM, with guided tours of the building changes available!

We are also still in need of many volunteers for the April 29 celebration. Can you help with any of the needs below? Please contact the office (616-392-7947 or marevalo@hopechurchrca.org).

  • We need 3 more volunteers to help make fruit skewers at 9 AM in the kitchen.
  • We need 2 volunteers to help with the second hour of the open house from 3:30-4:30 pm. These volunteers will help replenish food, punch, etc.
  • We need 2 more volunteers to help clean up after the event (starting at 4:30 PM).
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