For the next several months Holland Friends Meeting (Quakers) will be worshipping in Hope Church’s new chapel. Our regular meeting room at Western Seminary will be part of a major renovation project and we are grateful to Hope Church for welcoming us during this time.

Our first meeting date will be Sunday, June 18 from 10:00 am – 11:00 am with a period of conversation following until about 11:30 am. We meet for worship the first and third Sundays each month (and the fifth if there is one). While Quakers have a variety of meeting formats, ours is silent worship, though on occasion a spoken ministry may arise from the silence. Like Hope Church we are an open and affirming meeting and all are welcome, especially any from the Hope congregation who may wish to join us from time to time. There will be a sign board on the sidewalk guiding Friends to the South entrance near the chapel.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding Quakerism, Quaker worship or the use of this space please feel free to contact me in person or by phone or email. And again many thanks.

Larry Dickie, Clerk
Holland Friends Meeting
616-566-7905 or

~Larry Dickie, Clerk, Holland Friends Meeting

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