Hope Church has the privilege of hosting the Room for All National Conference this year which is happening September 28 – 30. There is a need for many volunteers in a variety of ways. Please take a moment to look through the requests and sign up for the spot you feel God can use your talents the best.

1. We are looking for people willing to welcome and shuttle the attendees and speakers from the Grand Rapids airport to the Haworth Center. Some may be coming in on Wednesday the 27th but most would be on Thursday, the 28th from late-morning to mid-afternoon. You may need to wait a short time at the airport to receive people from different flights if their arrival times are close. We also need drivers to bring attendees back to the airport on Saturday early afternoon.

2. We will need someone to drive the Hope Church Van from the Haworth Center to Hope Church for those who may have difficulty walking that distance (or in case of bad weather). This would be Thursday, the 28th between 6:30 and 7pm and back to Haworth Center at 8:30pm; Friday morning at 8am, 4:15pm, 6:30pm, and 8:30pm and Saturday morning at 8:30am and again at the close of the conference at 12:30pm.

Housing: Some of those attending may need a place to stay during the 2 nights. If you have an extra bedroom or two, live close to Hope Church and enjoy showing hospitality we would love to hear from you.

Food: We want to serve delicious snacks during the conference so will be looking for all you “renowned” bakers to help us out.

Conference volunteers: Setting-up tables & chairs, taking-down tables and chairs, running errands, serving snacks, helping in the kitchen, and just generally being available to serve at different times during the conference. If you have a few hours during the conference dates to offer your help and your welcome smile we want to talk to you.

Please contact Lori VanDoornik to volunteer for one of the areas mentioned. The committee members are: Jane Dickie, DeeDee Piers, Lori VanDoornik and Kyle Vohlken if you have questions. Thank you!

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