We will be graced with an embarrassment of musical riches in February at Hope Church, so no need to despair over the weather – we can self-medicate with music!

On Sunday, Feb 4 at 3pm in the sanctuary, Rhonda will be joining with local musicians and adjunct members of the Hope College music faculty, to present a recital with music for organ with trombone, bassoon, and saxophone. Genevieve Beaulieu, Adam Briggs, and Adam Graham are putting their musical creativeness together, and coming up with lots of new sounds and sonorities for you to enjoy. The grand finale may even involve some number for all of those instruments together! This concert will be free, and last about an hour. Genevieve and both Adams are great players, and this will be a unique concert opportunity!

On Tuesday, February 27 at 7:30pm in the chapel, you will have to chance to hear a recital of solo piano music by visiting Chicago musician Rob Clearfield. Rob is a young jazz pianist who is touring the Midwest to promote a new album of solo piano music being released in February. He plays jazz that is influenced by all kinds of sounds, innovative, contemplative, and thoughtful. He will have CD’s for sale at the concert, admission is free.

If you are interested in hearing some of his music, you can check him out at robclearfield.com.

~Rhonda Edgington, Associate Director of Music & Organist

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