The Congregational Care Ministry operates within the circle of loving care and support that Hope Church members give to one another. We are the team that coordinates and offers congregational care in a variety of ways. We provide the organizational umbrella over funeral lunches, Christmas caroling (poinsettias and cards), baptismal banners, and the knitting ministry. CCM members work with the church office to facilitate meals and transportation and help coordinate responses to other requests. Along with the pastoral staff, CCM members visit and build relationships with those individuals within our congregation who are no longer able to attend church. We send cards, make calls, offer prayers and provide a listening ear when we visit.

We invite all members to join us in being intentional in your care for friends and members of Hope Church by contacting the office and asking to be added to the volunteer blog and/or prayer link. The volunteer blog is sent from the office with special requests that need to be filled (meals, transportation, reading, home repairs…). If a request fits your skills and schedule you may then volunteer to help fulfill that particular need. Whenever someone authorizes the office to share a prayer concern, you will receive an email and the privilege of praying for that person or concern. In addition, we encourage you to call the office whenever you have a personal concern or joy to share, so that our circle of care might enfold you as well!

The Congregational Care Ministry continues to make changes as it grows into its new model of caring. Our latest change is to welcome the Health Ministry members onto Congregational Care Ministry Team rather than continue to operate as a stand-alone committee. This will allow Parish Nurse Ginger to be connected with and advise the larger care ministry. It will add the educational and health components of caring back into CCM. We will be assessing this new partnership in June and if we decide to propose this as a permanent change we will become the Congregational Care and Health Ministry.

January was the first meeting of the combined ministries. Pastor Jill and Ginger led a time of visioning and sharing that helped the group to clarify what is most meaningful about the work we share. Some of the themes that came forward were: the opportunity to help people tap their passion and joy, to affirm that people are more than any current health problem or physical limitation, to encourage people in their efforts to find a wholistic approach to their spiritual and physical well-being, and to walk with people through their struggles offering prayer, encouragement, and support. We continue to discuss how we can best support congregational and team members as we love and care for one another and friends of Hope Church. We have two initiatives we are launching this winter to support this vision. You can read about these below. Please consider joining the Congregational Care & Health Ministry or participate by calling the church office and volunteering as suggested above. Please let us know how we might further support you and your caring for one another.

Friday Morning Yoga Class
Discover stability and freedom in yoga! Join Kim Mulder, Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT200), for a 7-week yoga series. In this class series we will explore the foundational principles of alignment that provide support in each pose while opening the heart, mind and body. Kim is trained in the method of Anusara yoga which maintains that yoga is about feeling steady in the asana (pose) as well as encountering the possibility in each asana. Come if you are new to yoga! Come if you have a yoga practice already! Going back to the basics can help you go deeper into your practice. WHEN: Fridays at 8:15-9:15 AM, February 9 – March 23. WHERE: Hope Church, 77 W. 11 Street, in the Gathering Area. Cost: Class will be $10/class at the door or $60 if you wish to purchase all seven classes on the first day. Cash or check written to Kim Mulder accepted.

Care Well Challenge 2018
The Congregational Care and Health Ministry is encouraging the entire congregation to take up the Care Well Challenge issued by Karen Mulder through her ministry Wisdom of the Wounded. You can see an introductory video about the challenge on her website: The concept is simple: do what you can to watch for people who need connection and care and reach out! You can do this in your family, neighborhood, work place and of course, within our congregation. Karen is offering encouragement and helpful tips through a monthly calendar. We will be publishing that calendar on the back of the church calendar in each newsletter but you can access it online at the website above as well.

~Sharon Arendshorst, Congregational Care Chair

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