We gathered–and greeted. We sang–and remembered. We listened–and heard. We looked–and saw. We thought–and wrote. We moved–and used our hands. We processed–and shared. We surrounded the table–and celebrated the Supper of our Lord. Through it all, we focused on the history, literature, and music of people such as Maya Angelou, Howard Thurman, John Coltrane and others who have helped us to understand the black experience in America.

During these weeks of Lent, participants at Early Worship also collaborated on a piece of artwork by writing down words or phrases from the day’s readings on segments of paper and applying them to a canvas. Colors changed each week from the darkness of the earth to the light of the sun to the pinks and blues of the sky, and our thoughts ranged with them from sorrow, to conviction, to inspiration, to love and celebration.

Here is the finished piece and two detailed segments. We invite you take a closer look at it while it is on display in the gathering area.

As we move into the season of Easter, we want to extend that idea of having worshipers contribute to the Early Worship environment in the chapel. On Easter Sunday we will begin with our tradition of fastening daffodils to the cross to celebrate those we miss who have gone to be with our resurrected Lord. In the following weeks, you are invited to bring in items you have found or created that symbolize rebirth and new life. As we gather for worship in the chapel at 8:30 AM each Sunday, you can display these offerings in the various vases and containers available.

We will celebrate Earth Sunday on April 22nd, and the last Early Worship service before summer break will be a celebration of Pentecost on May 20th.

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