September 9: Thinking Smart (and Reformed) in a Post-Truth Age
David Myers brings his current roadshow talk to psychology educators home to Hope Church, where he will give examples of popular and potent false beliefs and explain how such come to be. He will also examine possible biases—and successful remedies for them (with resulting surprising findings)—within his own field of psychological science. Finally, he will suggest how a Reformed spirit of humility supports critical thinking about divisive issues.

September 16–30: Wisdom of the Wounded
Do you ever wonder what to say to a friend who has just been diagnosed with cancer? Or what to do for a neighbor who is going through a divorce? Perhaps you struggle with what to say in a funeral line? Join us as Karen Mulder teaches us more about how we can care well for others experiencing a difficult situation. A graduate of Western Theological Seminary, Karen is co-author of the handbook, The Compassionate Congregation. She is the founder of the website and radio program “Wisdom of the Wounded.” Karen’s passion is helping Christian people of all ages connect with the calling to love our neighbor.
Sept 16: Love Thy Neighbor – Practical Advice for Caring for Others
Even though Jesus tells us to love our neighbor who is suffering (Mark 12:31), we often avoid these uncomfortable situations because we do not know what to say or do. Karen will share four practical “Caregiving Basics” which can be used in all caregiving situations.
September 23: “Oh No! I Made It Worse”
Have you ever tried to comfort a friend and you said something that made things worse, not better? Karen will introduce you to the five “Verbal Villains” that distort our good intentions to care for others. She will share insights on words to avoid—and what to say to truly help a person who is suffering.
September 30: Finding the Abundant Life in Unexpected Places
Jesus said, “I have come that you may have abundant life” (John 10:10). We will explore ways that caring for others helps us have moments of the abundant life we seek. Caring for others can bring a sense of purpose, contentment and joy.

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