This fall, Early Worship services are focusing on ancient and modern saints from the early church. The focus will lead up to All Saints Day, celebrated this year on November 4. Traditionally, Early Worship celebrates All Saints Day by naming and honoring saints from our families, friends and Hope Church members who have passed before us. This year, we will extend our celebration of saints through each Sunday in the month of November to offer fuller remembrances of that person’s life and service in the church or in their faith. Do you have a beloved saint from your family/friends or from Hope Church you would like to have remembered in Early Worship during the month of November? Perhaps that person had a favorite hymn we could play during the service or a favorite piece of scripture we could read. Or maybe she or he wrote a meditation or created a piece of art related to their faith. Or you may have another thought. Everyone at Hope Church is welcome to share ideas with us, and of course, all are welcome to join us any time for the services. Please let Karmen Kooyers, Kay Hubbard, or any of the pastors know by October 16 if you’d like to have a favorite saint of yours remembered.

~Karmen Kooyers, Early Worship Ministry Member

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