A brief note regarding the annual Hope Church stewardship campaign.

As we approach the start of the annual stewardship campaign, the Stewardship & Finance Ministry would like to make you aware of these upcoming milestone dates.

  • October: Mailing of the 2019 annual budget draft and pledge forms to Hope Church households
  • Sunday, November 11, 2018: Stewardship Sunday – you are invited to bring your pledge form to church, or you can return it to the church office by this date.
  • Sunday, January 27, 2018: Congregational meeting – vote to approve the annual 2019 budget

As you consider your 2019 annual pledge for the future of Hope Church, be aware of the power of your role in building up the body of Christ at Hope Church. Your pledge is important for sound financial planning as we build the 2019 Hope Church operational and benevolence budgets.

The Stewardship and Finance Ministry

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