This is the last of my 3 part series of the Who, What & Why of Kids Hope. Part 1 included a list of all those who have been a part of the Kids Hope Program since it began at Hope Church 15 years ago. Since then I have found in my files even more names of those who were involved and it continues to amaze me at the number of people from our church who have contributed to the Kids Hope program with their time, their finances and most importantly with their hearts for the neediest of children. Part 2 talked about the history of Kids Hope and of the many reasons we support this ministry. Many of you have answered the call of “caring for the least of these” and have made Kids Hope the success that it is today.

We are one of the 1,200 programs nationwide serving 23,000 students. Isn’t that amazing! That article covered the What & Why and so now I am back to the Who again. This time I want to introduce you to those who have signed up to be Mentors, Prayer Partners, Substitute Mentors, and new this year, Special Event Helpers. This program takes a whole village of volunteers to run and I am so thankful for not only the new people signing up but for those coming back year after year. Here they are…. Mentors: Linda Cook, Barb Blauw, Stephanie and John Beyer, Bob Jordan, Dave Boelkins, Sandy Mulder, Carole Hintz, Steve Berry, Tim Pennings, Rhonda Edgington, Dave Dirkse and Lynne Hall. Substitute Mentors: Barb Joldersma, Sharon Arendshorst and Josh Bochniak. Prayer Partners: Jan Fike, Mary Buys, John and Stephanie Beyer, Dave Van Doorne, Stephanie Krom, Connie Vander Velde, Jill Russell, Kari Miller Fenwood, Josh Bochniak, Dorothy Sherborne, Judy Mastenbrook, Todd Engle and Vern and Lois Boersma. Special Event Helpers: Judith Boogaart and Lisa Denison.

I would like to say THANK YOU to each one of them and ask for your prayers as they begin their volunteering. Looks like a pretty good “team” to me and I look forward to us all working together to make our partnership with Vanderbilt School a success. (As it stands now I still need 2 male mentors and 2 or 3 substitute mentors. It is NOT too late to sign up and you can do that on the sign up sheet on the Kids Hope Bulletin Board by the office. I would love to have you join our ‘team!)

~Vicki Rumpsa, Kids Hope USA Director