The Disability Concerns Ministry is one of Hope Church’s newer ministries, although the purpose of this ministry has long been addressed by a variety of ministries. When this ministry began as a task force, the group affirmed the following statement of mission for its work:

“The Hope Church Disability Task Force believes in welcoming all people to worship, regardless of physical, mental, or developmental ability, and promoting a spirit of community without boundaries. Our goal is to share Christ’s love in the world and create an environment where “everybody belongs and everybody serves.”

It is important to note that the persons on this ministry continue to struggle with its name which includes the word “disability.” Don’t we all have challenges which we need to address and/or overcome? Additionally, we believe that all persons have abilities and gifts which contribute to the body of Christ. As Cindy Terlouw expressed so eloquently in our worship service on October 14, our goal is to include all, that is everyone, within the community of faith.

Recently some people from this ministry attended an RCA national conference which focused on welcoming our elderly. Many things that meet some of the typical challenges of our aging population are already in place at Hope Church, i.e., the hearing loop, large print bulletins, cutouts in some of our pews, access to our chancel, etc. However, if you find there are ways in which we can do better, don’t hesitate to let us know about that, too.

Not only has this ministry focused on the inclusion of all within our congregation, but we have also spent considerable time exploring a need within our community, that of housing for persons with disabilities. Over the course of our exploration, we have learned that there is a significant shortage of housing for persons with disabilities. Thus, in mid-August, we voted to form the Housing Task Force which is charged with further discerning the need for housing for persons with disabilities within the Holland community, and if the need is further confirmed, to proceed with establishing a home for persons with disabilities.

And so, I present to you three opportunities:

  1. Volunteer to serve on the Disability Concerns Ministry as we seek to make Hope Church a community which is inclusive of all persons and their gifts.
  2. Volunteer to serve on the Housing Task Force, either to serve on the task force itself or to offer your unique gifts for specific tasks should it be determined to proceed with establishing a home.
  3. If you have suggestions to offer which would strengthen our welcome to all, do e-mail them to Judy VanderWilt.

We affirm the words from 1 Cor. 12:27: “Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.”

~Judy Vander Wilt, Disability Concerns Ministry Chair