Hope Church is again supporting families within our church and community in helping with Christmas gifts for children and parents. Your response last year to the switch to gift cards was much appreciated, and we are continuing with that this year, asking you to purchase and contribute $25 gift cards along with a Christmas card. The process will go like this:

Hope Church Christmas Gift Card Project

  1. Remove a tag from the tree on December 2 or 9
  2. Purchase a $25 gift card and a greeting card from Meijer, Target, or Walmart
  3. Write greetings and blessings for the Holidays and New Year in the card
  4. Place gift card in the envelope with greeting card. DO NOT SEAL ENVELOPE
  5. Return UNSEALED envelope with contents to Hope Church
  6. Deadline is Sunday, December 16
  7. Hope Church will deliver all cards to Hope Church families and local ministries.​

Our goal is 60 gift cards! – so your support will be appreciated. Many service organizations have now moved toward requesting that gift cards be donated so that parents can make decisions together about gifts for their families. Just as we do, these parents enjoy the opportunity to go shopping and to wrap presents for their families. Just as we do, these parents enjoy knowing that the gifts under their tree reflects some of their love and individual attention. So we realize that it may not be quite as enjoyable initially for us to purchase “just” gift cards, but what we can all do is consider the extra joy we are providing to those who are empowered to make choices about their family Christmas celebration. And please note: the personal Christmas card that you send is a very important part of this project! Please make a point to express your greetings of love and joy for the season, which will be a gift of support and blessing for our neighbors. God’s blessings to all of you for your generosity in supporting this project, as we join together our gifts and prayers to express the love of God in our community. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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