I have been blessed with a job that allows me to connect with my neighbors, and those in this community. I have seen those who struggle, those who flourish and others that just exist. One of the pieces of my job is to support a group of neighbors who desire to play a more invested role in their community, called Block Connectors. We meet once a month and talk about upcoming WSN hosted events within our neighborhood and community, resources available and also discuss concerns that they feel need to be addressed. Block Connectors support a smaller group of neighbors and act within the three main roles of: connecting, communicating and gathering with those who live in a designated block. Every month I look forward to gathering with these neighbors and often try to challenge them in ways that will help then better connect with residents on their block.

We live in a time where we cannot escape the feeling that we have a disconnected society. It is easy to feel overwhelmed, discouraged and uncertain about the future that we are building for those that will come after us. I started thinking about ways to spread a little kindness in the Washington School Neighborhood. Sometimes taking a smaller piece of a community and addressing a specific issue seems less daunting than looking at the big picture and feeling helpless to change any of it.

I went out and bought several packs of blank note cards. I challenged my Block Connectors to each deliver five notes of appreciation, encouragement or well wishes to neighbors on their block. I took out barriers that may make this challenge harder for some, by saying that they do not have to sign the notes, but could. They did not even have to know the name of the neighbor that they deliver the note to. I simply wanted them to think about the residents on their block, maybe someone who does not have a support system, and extend a note saying “I see you, you are heard and appreciated”. Sometimes an unexpected gesture of kindness is all we need to keep going and fighting for a better future.

I would like to extend the same offer to all of you. If you would be willing to deliver five notes to your neighbors, with messages that can encourage and uplift, I will provide the note cards. My Block Connectors all chose to participate in this challenge, so over the months of November and December there will be over 35 notes of kindness given out in the WSN neighborhood. Every little piece of kindness that can be shared has the ability to spread.

To receive the note cards, please email me at: lisa@washingtonschoolneighbors.com
If you live in the WSN neighborhood, I will drop them at your home. If you live outside of the WSN Neighborhood, I will leave them in the Hope Church office with your name attached so you can pick them up at your convenience.

If all we do is spread a little kindness in this community, maybe to someone who really needs some encouragement, it is enough that we try to do something.

“Unexpected kindness is the most powerful, least costly, and most underrated agent of human change.” – Bob Kerrey

~Lisa Kasten, Neighborhood Connector