Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Thank you SO MUCH for making such a big deal over us during our visit to Hope on October 21st. The regard and attention were uplifting and the leftover cake we took home has continued to nourish us as it reminds us of your love. May God bless you all “real good.”
~Dave & Char Alexander

Thank you to those of you who attended our Election Night- War and Peace- Pipedreams Anniversary concert on Nov. 6 at Hope Church. Thanks to your generosity, we raised $350 to pass along to Blue Lake public radio, to help with funding for the organ program Pipedreams, in honor of it’s 35th anniversary. I also appreciated all who came out on a dark and dreary November evening to enjoy music together, and have been encouraged by your comments of appreciation about that night.
~Rhonda Edgington

Dear Hope Church Friends,
I cannot thank you enough for the beautiful 10th Anniversary celebration you shared with me at the end of October. I was so surprised by the guest speakers that Pastor Gordon arranged and so deeply touched by the kind words of love and appreciation shared by fellow staff, pastoral colleagues, and the personnel committee. I will forever treasure the memories of the day as well as the lovely notes and beautiful gift of the Hope Church cross stain glass window. It is a beautiful addition to our home. I also wanted to add one more word of thanks and that is to my partner in life, Andrew Bunnell. I didn’t say so on the day, but my ministry here is only possible because of the way we share in life and parenting together. Because I love being your pastor so much, I am very grateful to him for making it possible for me to serve in this way. I look forward to many, many more years of sharing life and ministry with all of you!
~Pastor Jill

It’s Day 2 of our Thanksgiving Basket Distribution and the office is flurry of activity as we hand out turkeys and all the fixings to families to enjoy in their homes. We’ve currently provided about 650 Thanksgiving meals but expect to have a busy afternoon. We estimate we’ll be handing out 900 boxes total. Please share our gratitude with everyone at Hope Church!
~Community Action House