The following list reflects the households assigned to greet for the next three months:

March Greeters
3 Jordan, Bob & Susanne
10 Kamstra, Todd & Nancy
17 Killilea, Norma
24 Knoll, Leon & Jackie
31 Knoops, John & Barb

April Greeters
7 Koch, John & Pam
14 Kolk, Michael & Sarah
21 Kools, John & Kathy
28 Kooyers, Duane & Karmen

May Greeters
5 Krom, Stephanie
12 Laman, Earl & Char
19 McFadden, Emily Jean
26 McKnight, Jim & Ann

Hope Church is now beginning to use SignUpGenius for reminders for Congregational Greeters. You will receive an email reminder from SignUpGenius the Monday before you are scheduled. If you are unable to greet on this date, please swap dates with another person. Swapping can be done through the sign up form link in your email. If you have questions, please email the office at The SignUpGenius Greeter Schedule for the entire year can be viewed online at

If you are willing to volunteer as a substitute greeter or greet more often than once a year, please contact the office.