There are mobility and personal assist aids that you may need on occasion- following a surgery or dealing with an illness that affects your physical abilities. At Hope Church we have a medical equipment closet that provides temporary use of these items at no cost. Please call the church office or Parish Nurse, Ginger Clark for availability. If you have an item you no longer use we would appreciate the donation to this great cause. Here is the current list of available items: wheelchairs, walkers, canes, crutches, commodes, shower chairs and benches, raised toilet seats, ortho boots, seat cushions, sitz bath, sock aids, knee scooter, bed rail, and ETAC sit to stand device.

We also have first aid kits located in the main office, room 206, youth room, kitchen, narthex and the church van. An AED (automatic external defibrillator) is located in the gathering area on the wall near the coat closet.

~Ginger Clark, R.N., Hope Church Nurse