Over the past year, Community Ministry has been seeking out opportunities for Hope Church to make a difference for those experiencing homelessness. Affordable housing is a big issue in our community, and it’s challenging to find a way to make a difference. We’ve investigated one organization and program, though, that appears to offer an opportunity on a scale that’s both possible and life-changing.

Family Promise is a national organization that works with churches to offer overnight accommodations for families who are without housing. For a week each quarter, one of 13 churches in a community offers hospitality, including dinner, space for activities, and a place to sleep. Welcoming families is especially important because shelters are often segregated by gender, which means that families are split apart. The program can’t begin in Holland until 13 churches sign on, which is anticipated to be no earlier than fall.

Community Ministry has done enough research to feel confident about the program. The critical question is whether Hope Church members would be willing to be engaged, hosting dinners and providing other hospitality in our facility. We’ve planned an informational meeting on Sunday, June 2 at 11:15; we’ll hear both from a leader of the organization and from Grand Rapids members who have experiences to share and can answer questions.

Intrigued? Mark your calendar now for June 2, and join us to learn more.

~Lois Maassen, Community Ministry Chair