The Board of Deacons asks that you remember the Deacons’ Fund, whether or not you use offering envelopes (if you do, this is the yellow one that appears every few months). The Deacons’ Fund is what equips the pastors and staff, with oversight from the senior deacon and financial administrator, to offer immediate, short-term relief when members of our congregation or community don’t have other resources.

It’s this fund that purchased supplies during our Polar Vortex hospitality, for example; it can also pay for gas and groceries, car repairs, rental or utility assistance, medical or dental expenses, and more, because we expect the unexpected. The fund is not budgeted, but supported through designated giving.

Wondering how you can help others in our community? Use a yellow envelope or write a check with “Deacons’ Fund” in the memo line. You’ll be extending a hand to someone in crisis.

~Board of Deacons