These new members were welcomed into the fellowship of Hope Church on April 14 during the 11 a.m. worship service. Please take the time to welcome these individuals into the family of Hope Church.

Jennie and Jason VanderLugt come from Engedi Church and join by reaffirmation of faith. They are high school sweethearts who grew up in Wyoming, MI. Jason has a bachelors and medical degree from the University of Oklahoma. He is currently a pediatrician at Holland Hospital. Jennie has a bachelors in music education from Hope College and a masters in music education from the University of Oklahoma. She has mostly stopped teaching (aside from the occasional gig here and there) to stay home to write for and to watch their two sons, Boone (8) and Jonah (4). Boone is in 3rd grade at Waukazoo Elementary and Jonah is in preschool at Lakeside Montessori. Boone and Jonah love to play with their furry family member, Jiminy Cricket the cocker spaniel.

Dave and Char Alexander join by transfer, Char from Rehoboth Reformed Church of McBain, MI and Dave from Park Hills Community Reformed Church in Los Angeles, CA. They recently moved to Holland to retire after careers as Reformed Church in America missionaries in Taiwan, where they met in 1976. Char grew up in various parsonages in MI, IA, and CA and is a 1975 graduate of Hope College. Dave is a US Army veteran. Returning from Vietnam, he began his college education at Pierce College in Los Angeles and went on to get Masters degrees from Rutgers University and New Brunswick Theological Seminary. As a couple, they enjoy walking and reading. Char continues to keep up with her former students in Taiwan through social media and spends quality time with her mom and sister who both live in Holland. Dave listens to Bruce Springsteen music while futzing around in the garage.