By the time you have read this, you will likely have just enjoyed watching our youths lead us in worship for Youth Sunday. For this particular Sunday each year, the youths and pastors spend about a month preparing and reflecting on the lectionary texts, laying the groundwork for the theme and direction that arises for that day. It is a Sunday not only of creativity and fun, but a day that spotlights our youths and their talents.

Why is this day important? While it is only one day of the year, I think Youth Sunday is important for both the youth and the older adults. For the youth, it allows them the opportunity to engage our lectionary texts with a lot of depth and curiosity. Scripture is not just another text they are taught, or a subject used as a lecture, as if the youth were at school. Youth Sunday preparation starts with the assumption that God’s spirit speaks to the greater church through them. This is a process that allows them to begin seeing themselves as leaders, not just as people to be led. As leaders, they grow in confidence in being part of the service. They learn if reading or sharing aloud is something they can see themselves doing on Sundays, and they grow in confidence with an expectation that God speaks to them through scripture, not just through pastors, teachers and parents.

There are gifts for the greater body through our youth’s leadership as well. Just as our youths need to see themselves as conduits for God’s teaching to the greater body, older adults need to see them through this lens as well. Youths are not just people for us to steward, they are stewards of God’s spirit for us. They have gifts that edify the church today, not only when they get older. The more we listen to and empower them as leaders, the more all of us grow in spiritual maturity.

Many of you are already great encouragers of our youth and this is great! If you see them contribute to our church, be it up front on a Sunday, or volunteering for activities like helping in the nursery, children in worship, or the Think Hope Auction, make sure to thank them and let them know how this specifically helps our church. If you don’t yet know them by name, this is also a great opportunity to introduce yourself. They need to feel seen and letting them know they matter and introducing yourselves to them goes a long way in helping them feel connected. Thank you for all the ways you support and empower the youth at Hope Church.

~Beth Carroll, Assistant Pastor of Discipleship