As part of Hope Church’s work with the RCA’s Growing Young Cohort, our Growing Young team recently had a listening session with Hope Church’s youth. We asked the youth several questions about their feelings about church and what it is like to be a young person today. It was encouraging and inspiring to hear what matters most to them and to learn both what they love about our church, as well where our opportunities lie in connecting them more deeply to our greater church life. I thought many of you would appreciate hearing a few of the statements expressing what Hope Church middle schoolers and high schoolers love most about our church community:

  • “I love the Appalachian Trail trip. You get close to everyone you are with and it is a cool opportunity to make memories.”
  • “Pizza Sunday! I love pizza and sitting with everyone.”
  • “I enjoy listening in on adult education classes — the class today on climate change was interesting because it went with what I am learning in class.”
  • “I like the open-minded atmosphere at Hope Church and especially the forward-looking attitude that is included in sermons.”
  • “I like how Hope Church includes youth – youth Sunday was really fun.”
  • “I like the name Hope. It is the name of the college I cheer for.”
  • “I love our Children in Worship program – both when I was kid and now that I go up to help my Mom. I like how the stories get more layered as you get older. I still learn something new even when I am there helping.”
  • “I like the smaller size of our youth program, especially for the mission trips. There is more leniency and it is more laid back.”

It is wonderful to hear how our youth feel our church is theirs. You can look forward to hearing more about the values of our youth in the months to come, both in newsletter updates and with some of the upcoming work with the Growing Young cohort. In fact, its not too late to get involved! If you are interested in shaping our culture to become more intergenerational, consider joining our Growing Young Leadership Group. It is a low time commitment opportunity, only a couple hours a month, and you have the opportunity to hear and help the needs of younger people and older adults alike! Whether you’re 19, 99, or any age in between, we need YOU! Contact Pastor Beth for more details.

~Beth Carroll, Assistant Pastor of Discipleship