Rode Molla and Endrias Assen are from the Ethiopian Lutheran Church, and when Rode attended Western Seminary they worshipped at Hope Church. Rode began PhD work in Colorado a couple of years ago, and Hope Church continues to provide financial aid and support. They are seeking to return to Ethiopia to provide holistic support to women and children.

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Greetings from Rode and Endrias! The 2018-19 academic year is over, and the summer is here already. As I mentioned to you in our previous letter, this year has been so busy and challenging for me and Endrais. I did my comprehensive exams: two in the Fall and two in the Winter. I completed and passed all my comprehensive exam reviews. In the Spring Quarter, I was taking a Dissertation Proposal Class. Working on my proposal was a blessing and exciting process. I bring my context and all the theologies, concepts, methods, and theories that were touching and life-giving for me to design my proposals. Last Friday was my last class for the Dissertation Proposal Seminar and also my last class as a student in my academic journey. I will never go back to the classroom as a student again. That is a vast accomplishment for Endrias and I since we were together in this journey for the last three years.

In the summer, I will be working on my dissertation proposal with my dissertation committee. My plan is that I will be able to defend my proposal in September so that I can start working on the dissertation early in the Fall quarter of 2019. Endrias has been so supportive for me as usual. We hope that in the summer, we will have time to go to the mountains to pray, meditate, and take a deep breath to prepare for the next journey.

I am so excited about my proposal and the support and the presence I received from God, Endrias, my professors, and Hope church’s pastors and community. So thankful for Pastor Jill and Pastor Gordon for their care and support. We are grateful for Hope Church for your commitment and love to support us to feel loved and included in the body of Christ. Please, we ask you to continue holding us in your prayers and presence in our journey. We also give your work and ministry to God. We pray for God’s providence and protection for each one of you at Hope Church!

God Bless you!
Rode Molla and Endrias Assen